PHP Sigfox Client

OptionsItem extends Model

Table of Contents

$id  : string|null
The premium option id (messageHistory, payloadEncryption, geolocation, cognition, testFrames, networkMetadata, satellite)
$parameters  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
The parameters of the premium options. The available parameters are the following: payloadEncryption: level: 0 (DEVICE_TO_SIGFOX_CLOUD, default), 1 (END_TO_END), 2 (CUSTOMER) secureStorage: true or false (default) geolocation: level: 1 (ATLAS, default), 2 (ATLAS_WIFI), 4 (ATLAS_POV), 5 (ATLAS_BUBBLE), 6 (ATLAS_WIFI_PRIVATEDB) cognition: level: 0 (MONARCH, default) testFrames: nb: 1 - 25 (default=1) duration (in months): 0 (illimited, default) or number of months networkMetadata: (none) messageHistory: duration: 0 (3 days), 1 (30 days) satellite: (none)
from()  : static
Initializing a model from an array
getId()  : string
Getter for id
getParameters()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Getter for parameters
jsonSerialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
setId()  : static
Setter for id
setParameters()  : static
Setter for parameters



The premium option id (messageHistory, payloadEncryption, geolocation, cognition, testFrames, networkMetadata, satellite)

protected string|null $id = null


The parameters of the premium options. The available parameters are the following: payloadEncryption: level: 0 (DEVICE_TO_SIGFOX_CLOUD, default), 1 (END_TO_END), 2 (CUSTOMER) secureStorage: true or false (default) geolocation: level: 1 (ATLAS, default), 2 (ATLAS_WIFI), 4 (ATLAS_POV), 5 (ATLAS_BUBBLE), 6 (ATLAS_WIFI_PRIVATEDB) cognition: level: 0 (MONARCH, default) testFrames: nb: 1 - 25 (default=1) duration (in months): 0 (illimited, default) or number of months networkMetadata: (none) messageHistory: duration: 0 (3 days), 1 (30 days) satellite: (none)

protected array<string|int, mixed>|null $parameters = null



Initializing a model from an array

public static from(array<string|int, mixed> $params) : static
$params : array<string|int, mixed>

Pass this parameter if you want to initial property value from an array. See API reference for all property names and types


If provided an invalid type to a property

Return values


Getter for id

public getId() : string
Return values

The premium option id (messageHistory, payloadEncryption, geolocation, cognition, testFrames, networkMetadata, satellite)


Getter for parameters

public getParameters() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

The parameters of the premium options. The available parameters are the following: payloadEncryption: level: 0 (DEVICE_TO_SIGFOX_CLOUD, default), 1 (END_TO_END), 2 (CUSTOMER) secureStorage: true or false (default) geolocation: level: 1 (ATLAS, default), 2 (ATLAS_WIFI), 4 (ATLAS_POV), 5 (ATLAS_BUBBLE), 6 (ATLAS_WIFI_PRIVATEDB) cognition: level: 0 (MONARCH, default) testFrames: nb: 1 - 25 (default=1) duration (in months): 0 (illimited, default) or number of months networkMetadata: (none) messageHistory: duration: 0 (3 days), 1 (30 days) satellite: (none)


public jsonSerialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Setter for id

public setId(string $id) : static
$id : string

The premium option id (messageHistory, payloadEncryption, geolocation, cognition, testFrames, networkMetadata, satellite)

Return values

To use in method chains


Setter for parameters

public setParameters(array<string|int, mixed> $parameters) : static
$parameters : array<string|int, mixed>

The parameters of the premium options. The available parameters are the following: payloadEncryption: level: 0 (DEVICE_TO_SIGFOX_CLOUD, default), 1 (END_TO_END), 2 (CUSTOMER) secureStorage: true or false (default) geolocation: level: 1 (ATLAS, default), 2 (ATLAS_WIFI), 4 (ATLAS_POV), 5 (ATLAS_BUBBLE), 6 (ATLAS_WIFI_PRIVATEDB) cognition: level: 0 (MONARCH, default) testFrames: nb: 1 - 25 (default=1) duration (in months): 0 (illimited, default) or number of months networkMetadata: (none) messageHistory: duration: 0 (3 days), 1 (30 days) satellite: (none)

Return values

To use in method chains

Search results