PHP Sigfox Client

Basic Usage

This article contains some basic operations in the sigfox API.

Fetching a device

$device = $this->sigfox->devices()->find("AE5ASC")->get();

Creating a device

There are two ways to pass data to a request. First method is passing array of properties and values. And the second method is passing an object. You can check supported properties and methods in the classes from the
API reference .

// By array of parameters
$deviceId = $sigfox->devices()->create([
    "pac"=> "585CB3B42AC98BD4",
    "name"=> "Device 1",
    "deviceTypeId"=> "57309548171c857460043085",
    "id"=> "00FF"

// By object
$deviceId = $sigfox->devices()->create(
    (new DeviceCreationJob)
        ->setName("Device 1")

Updating a device

As you can see in below example some requests do not return a response. Usually update and delete requests not returning any response. All request methods throwing exceptions if the request failed. So you can handle these errors by adding a try {} catch. See Exception Handling for a detailed description.

// By using arrays
    "name"=> "Device 2"

// By using objects
    (new DeviceUpdateJob)
        ->setName("Device 2")

Deleting a device


This is only the examples for operations in the device section. You can check all operations at the API reference

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