PHP Sigfox Client

Custom HTTP Clients

For some reasons not all developers like to use guzzlehttp client. As such cases this API client is not only limited to the guzzlehttp client. You can integrate your HTTP client with this client. Only you have to do is create a new class by implementing ClientImpl interface.

As the first step, initialize your client using the baseUrl, username and the password in the

class MySigfoxHTTPClient {
    protected $client;

    public function __construct(string $baseUrl, string $username, string $password){
        $this->client = new HTTPClient($baseUrl, $username, $password);

Next implement the request method. It must take HTTP method as a first argument, Url without base url as the second argument and body and query parameters as third and fourth arguments. And it must return an array containing status code and the content of the body as first and second items. Do not throw any exceptions when server returned HTTP error codes. Let this client library handle them.

public function request(string $method, string $url, ?array $body, ?array $query){

See the Guzzle class to get an idea about implementation.

Next:- Exception Handling

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