PHP Sigfox Client

Paginated Responses

You do not have to mess with the page numbers, and offsets when using this library. We have implemented a very easy interface to handle pagination responses. Lets see a quick example:-

$devices = $this->sigfox->devices()->list();

foreach($devices->items() as $device){
     // Your code

It will automatically calling the API and fetching all data as chunks till end.

And there is another iterator method to iterate over pages. You can get the page number or the original response per each page with this method.

$devices = $this->sigfox->devices()->list();

foreach($devices->pages() as $items){

    /** @var Arimac\Sigfox\Response\Generated\DevicesListResponse **/
    $response = $devices->getOriginalResponse();
    $pageId = $devices->getPage();

    /** @var Arimac\Sigfox\Model\Device[] $device **/
    foreach($items as $device){
        // Your code

This iterator will call the API in each iteration and fetching data for the page.

As other methods you can pass limit, offset values and other values as parameters. By the limit parameter you can limit the items count per each request. With the
offset parameter you can continue an iteration that you previously stopped.

$devices = $this->sigfox->devices()->list([
    "limit"=> 20,
    "offset"=> 30,
    "deviceTypeId"=> "05f8932chg...."

There is a builtin cache in pagination responses. But it disabled by default. Because it consumes the runtime memory. Enable it if you want to re-iterate over items or pages. When you iterate again, it will fetching the data from the cache insteed of fetching the data from the API.

$devices = $this->sigfox->devices()->list();


foreach($devices->pages() as $page){
    // This time fetching the data from API

foreach($devices->items() as $device){
    // This time fetching the data from cache

Next Async Responses

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