- ActionJob
- AsynchronousDeviceReplacementJob
- AsynchronousDeviceTransferJob
- AvailableEntitiesResponse
- BaseStation
- BulkDeviceAsynchronousRequest
- BulkUnsubscribe
- CommonContractInfo
- DeviceConsumption
- ErrorContent
- GlobalCoverageBulkResponse
- GlobalCoverageRequest
- GlobalCoverageResponse
- RegistrationJob
- RegistrationJobStatus
- ReplaceResponse
- Site
- UserUpdate
Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- ActionJob
- AdslSubscription
- Information about ADSL internet subscription
- Antenna
- Antenna related settings
- ApiUser
- Defines the API user properties
- ApiUserCreation
- Defines the API user properties for creation
- ApiUserEdition
- Defines the API user properties to be modified
- AsynchronousDeviceCreationJob
- Defines the the common information shared by the devices created in an ansychronous bulk request
- AsynchronousDeviceEditionJob
- AsynchronousDeviceReplacementJob
- AsynchronousDeviceTransferJob
- AvailableEntitiesResponse
- Returned data for Service Coverage Available Entities API
- BaseContact
- Defines a contact entity
- BaseDeviceType
- BaseGeolocation
- BaseHost
- BaseMaintenance
- BaseProvider
- BaseResponse
- Generic information about user operation
- BaseSite
- Generic information about a site
- BaseSiteConvention
- Generic information about convention
- BaseSiteIntervention
- Generic information about intervention
- BaseStation
- Defines the base station's properties
- BaseStationBulkEdit
- BaseStationUpdate
- Provide information to update a Base Station
- Basic
- Defines the Basic group type properties
- BasicCreate
- Defines the Basic group's create properties
- BasicUpdate
- Defines the Basic group's update properties
- BatchUrlCallback
- Defines the properties needed to create a batch url callback
- Bounds
- Geographics bounds
- BulkDeviceAsynchronousRequest
- Defines the the common information shared by the devices created in an ansychronous bulk request
- BulkUnsubscribe
- Callback
- Common information about Callback template
- CallbackHTTP
- Callback of type HTTP
- CallbackMedium
- Callback of type HTTP
- CbStatus
- CellularConnectivityBase
- CellularConnectivityForBs
- Cellular connectivity configuration for a base station.
- CellularConnectivityForGroup
- Cellular connectivity configuration for a group.
- Certificate
- Defines a product or modem certificate type entity
- CertificateUpdate
- Channel
- Defines the Channel group type properties
- ChannelCreate
- Defines the Channel group's create properties
- ChannelUpdate
- Defines the Channel group's update properties
- CityArea
- Define the city area's properties
- CommonCertificate
- Defines the common properties of a certificate
- CommonContractInfo
- Defines a contract common properties
- CommonDevice
- Defines the device's common properties for reading or creation (not update)
- CommonGroupCreate
- CommonGroupUpdate
- Generic information for group update
- CommonRole
- generic information about a Role
- CommonUser
- Generic information about a User
- ComputedLocation
- Contains the estimated position of the device within a circle based on the GPS data or the Sigfox Geolocation service
- Contact
- Defines a contact entity
- ContractId
- Contract's id
- ContractInfo
- Defines all the contract properties.
- ContractInfoCreate
- Defines a contract's common properties for creation
- ContractInfoUpdate
- Defines a contract common properties
- CreateBatchUrlCallback
- Defines the properties needed to create a batch url callback
- CreateCallback
- Common information about Callback template
- CreateEmailCallback
- Defines the properties needed to create a batch url callback
- CreateGsmSubscription
- Information about cellular internet subscription
- CreateInternetSubscription
- Generic internet subscription information
- CreateLanSubscription
- Information about LAN internet subscription
- CreateResponse
- Generic information about user create operation
- CreateUrlCallback
- Defines the properties needed to create a url callback
- CreateWifiSubscription
- Information about Wi-Fi internet subscription
- Device
- Defines the device's properties
- DeviceActionJob
- DeviceConsumption
- The consumption for this device
- DeviceCreationJob
- Defines the device's common properties for reading or creation (not update)
- DeviceEditionBulk
- DeviceErrorMessages
- DeviceLocation
- Contains the position of the device
- DeviceLocation_2
- Contains the estimated position of the device within a circle based on the GPS data or the Sigfox Geolocation service
- DeviceMessage
- DeviceType
- Defines the device type's properties
- DeviceTypeCreate
- Defines the device type's properties that can or lust be be included during creation
- DeviceTypeUpdate
- Defines the device type's properties
- DeviceUpdateJob
- Defines the DIST group type properties
- DISTCreate
- Defines the DIST group's create properties
- DISTUpdate
- Defines the DIST group's update properties
- DownlinkAnswerStatus
- EmailCallback
- Defines the properties needed to create a batch url callback
- ErrorContent
- Content of error messages, and sub-errors messages if any
- ErrorMessages
- EthernetConnectivityBase
- EthernetConnectivityForBs
- Ethernet connectivity configuration for a base station.
- EthernetConnectivityForGroup
- Ethernet connectivity configuration for a group.
- GeolocPayloadConfig
- When the payload display type is set to Geolocation for a Device Type, the geolocationPayloadConfig represents the format of the payload that the devices will use. Only recognized formats will be displayed. If you have a device with a GPS capable modem, please contact your device/modem manufacturer to get the suitable GeolocationPayloadConfig if any.
- GlobalCoverageBulkResponse
- Returned data for Bulk Global Coverage API
- GlobalCoverageRequest
- Defines the request to get Global Coverage
- GlobalCoverageResponse
- Returned data for Global Coverage API
- Group
- Defines the group's generic properties
- GroupCallbackHTTP
- Callback of HTTP type
- GroupCallbackMedium
- Callback types
- GroupErrorMessages
- GsmSubscription
- Information about cellular internet subscription
- Host
- InternetSubscription
- Generic internet subscription information
- JobError
- KmzCreatePublicRequest
- KmzStatusResponse
- LastComputedLocation
- Contains the estimated position of the device within a circle based on the GPS data or the Sigfox Geolocation service
- LatLng
- Maintenance
- MaintenanceCreation
- MinAntenna
- Defines the antenna properties
- MinBaseStation
- Minimal information about a BaseStation
- MinBaseStationWithType
- Minimal information about a BaseStation
- MinContact
- Defines a contact entity
- MinContractInfo
- Defines a minimum contract info entity
- MinDeviceType
- Defines a minimum contract info entity
- MinGroup
- Defines a group entity
- MinHost
- MinHwFamily
- minimal information about Hardware Family.
- MinMaintenance
- MinMetaRole
- Defines a meta role entity
- MinPerm
- Code and name of a permission
- MinProfile
- Defines a profile entity
- MinProvider
- Minimal information about a provider
- MinRole
- Defines a role entity
- MinSite
- MinStandard
- Defines a telecommunication standard entity
- ModemCertificate
- Defines the common properties of a certificate
- ModemCertificateRadioConfiguration
- Defines the properties of a product certificate radio configuration
- Defines the NIP group type properties
- NIPCreate
- Defines the NIP group's create properties
- NIPUpdate
- Defines the NIP group's update properties
- OperatorRead
- Defines the operator's properties
- OperatorUpdate
- Defines the operator's properties
- Paging
- Partner
- Defines Partner group type properties
- PartnerCreate
- Defines the Partner group's create properties
- Partners
- Defines the Partners group type properties
- PartnersCreate
- Defines the Partners group's create properties
- PartnersUpdate
- Defines the Partners group's update properties
- PartnerUpdate
- Defines the Partner group's update properties
- Perm
- Information about a Permission
- ProductCertificate
- Defines the common properties of a certificate
- ProductCertificateRadioConfiguration
- Defines the properties of a product certificate radio configuration
- ProductCertificateWithPacResponse
- Defines the common properties of a certificate
- Profile
- ProfileIds
- The API user profile identifier(s)
- Provider
- RadioCertificate
- Defines the common properties of a certificate
- RadioConfiguration
- Defines the properties of certificate radio configurations
- RedundancyResponse
- Returned data for Service Coverage Redundancy API
- RegistrationJob
- information about a multiple registrations job
- RegistrationJobStatus
- Repetition
- ReplaceResponse
- Rinfo
- Role
- Information about a Role
- SatSubscription
- Information about satellite internet subscription
- SimpleSite
- Minimal information about a site linked to a Base Station.
- Site
- Generic information about a site
- SiteConvention
- information about convention
- SiteCreation
- Generic information about a site
- SiteIntervention
- Information about intervention
- SiteUpdate
- Generic information about a site
- SO
- Defines the SO group type properties
- SOCreate
- Defines the SO group's create properties
- SOUpdate
- Defines the SO group's update properties
- Starter
- Defines the Starter group type properties
- StarterCreate
- Defines the Starter group's create properties
- StarterUpdate
- Defines the Starter group's update properties
- Defines the SVNO group type properties
- SVNOCreate
- Defines the SVNO group's create properties
- TilesResponse
- Defines tiles reference to display on web map
- Token
- Contains the token information of the device
- TokenUnsubscribe
- UpdateAdslSubscription
- Information about ADSL internet subscription
- UpdatebatchUrlCallback
- Defines the properties needed to create a batch url callback
- UpdateCallback
- Common information about Callback template
- UpdateEmailCallback
- Defines the properties needed to create an email callback
- UpdateGsmSubscription
- Information about cellular internet subscription
- UpdateInternetSubscription
- Generic internet subscription information
- UpdateSatSubscription
- Information about satellite internet subscription
- UpdateUrlCallback
- Defines the properties needed to create a url callback
- UpdateWifiSubscription
- Information about Wi-Fi internet subscription
- UrlCallback
- Defines the properties needed to create a url callback
- User
- Information about a User
- UserCreation
- User information for creation
- UserRole
- Information about User Role
- UserUpdate
- User information to be updated
- WifiSubscription
- Information about Wi-Fi internet subscription
- BillableGroup
- Defines the billable group's properties
- CallbackEmail
- Callback of type Email
- CommonApiUser
- Defines the generic API user properties
- GroupCallbackEmail
- Callback of email type
- SingleDeviceFields