Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- ApiUsersCreate
- Create a new API user.
- ApiUsersIdGet
- Retrieve information about a given API user.
- ApiUsersIdProfilesUpdate
- Associate new profiles to a given API user.
- ApiUsersIdUpdate
- Update information about a given API user.
- ApiUsersList
- Retrieve a list of API users according to visibility permissions and request filters.
- ContractInfosIdDevices
- Retrieve a list of devices according to visibility permissions and request filters.
- ContractInfosIdGet
- Retrieve information about a given contract.
- ContractInfosList
- Retrieve a list of contracts according to visibility permissions and request filters.
- CoveragesGlobalPredictionsCalculateBulk
- Starting the computation of the coverage margins for multiple points, for each redundancy level.
- CoveragesGlobalPredictionsGet
- Get the coverage margins for multiple points, for each redundancy level.
- CoveragesGlobalPredictionsGetOne
- Get coverage margins for a selected latitude and longitude, for each
redundancy level.
- CoveragesOperatorsRedundancy
- Get operator coverage redundancy for a selected latitude and longitude,
for specific device situation.
- DevicesBulkCreate
- Create multiple new devices with asynchronous job
- DevicesBulkReplace
- Replace multiple devices (moving tokens from one device to another) with synchronous job
- DevicesBulkRestart
- Restart multiple devices with asynchronous job.
- DevicesBulkResume
- Resume multiple devices with asynchronous job.
- DevicesBulkSuspend
- Suspend multiple devices with asynchronous job
- DevicesBulkTransfer
- Transfer multiple devices to another device type with asynchronous job
- DevicesBulkUnsubscribe
- Unsubscribe multiple devices with asynchronous job.
- DevicesBulkUpdate
- Update or edit multiple devices with asynchronous job.
- DevicesCreate
- Create a new device.
- DevicesIdCallbacksNotDelivered
- Retrieve a list of undelivered callbacks and errors for a given device, in reverse chronological order (most
recent message first). SNR will be deprecated (see [Newsletter]( for
details). To monitor radio link quality, please use the [Link Quality Indicator
(LQI)]( which is more relevant than SNR in Sigfox
- DevicesIdCertificateModem
- Retrieve the modem certificate associated with a device.
- DevicesIdCertificateProduct
- Retrieve the product certificate associated with a device already registered.
- DevicesIdGet
- Retrieve information about a given device.
- DevicesIdLocations
- Retrieve a list of location data of a device according to request filters.
- DevicesIdMessagesList
- Retrieve a list of messages for a given device according to request filters. SNR will be deprecated (see
[Newsletter]( for details). To monitor radio link quality, please use the
[Link Quality Indicator (LQI)]( which is more
relevant than SNR in Sigfox network.
- DevicesIdProductCertificate
- Retrieve the product certificate associated with a given device ID and PAC, when the device has not already been
created on the portal, only in CRA
- DevicesIdUnsubscribe
- Set an unsubscription date for the device's token.
- DevicesIdUpdate
- Update a given device.
- DevicesList
- Retrieve a list of devices according to visibility permissions and request filters.
- DeviceTypesCreate
- Create a new device type
- DeviceTypesIdCallbacksCallbackIdCallbacksNotDelivered
- Retrieve the last device message error associated with this callback.
- DeviceTypesIdCallbacksCallbackIdEnable
- Enable or disable a callback for a given device type.
- DeviceTypesIdCallbacksCallbackIdUpdate
- Update a callback for a given device type SNR will be deprecated (see
[Newsletter]( for details). To monitor radio link quality, please use the
[Link Quality Indicator (LQI)]( which is more
relevant than SNR in Sigfox network.
- DeviceTypesIdCallbacksCreate
- Create a new callback for a given device type. SNR will be deprecated (see
[Newsletter]( for details). To monitor radio link quality, please use the
[Link Quality Indicator (LQI)]( which is more
relevant than SNR in Sigfox network.
- DeviceTypesIdCallbacksNotDelivered
- Retrieve a list of undelivered callback messages for a given device types. SNR will be deprecated (see
[Newsletter]( for details). To monitor radio link quality, please use the
[Link Quality Indicator (LQI)]( which is more
relevant than SNR in Sigfox network.
- DeviceTypesIdGet
- Retrieve information about a device type.
- DeviceTypesIdMessages
- Retrieve a list of messages for a given device types. SNR will be deprecated (see
[Newsletter]( for details). To monitor radio link quality, please use the
[Link Quality Indicator (LQI)]( which is more
relevant than SNR in Sigfox network.
- DeviceTypesIdUpdate
- Update a given device type.
- DeviceTypesList
- Retrieve a list of device types according to visibility permissions and request filters.
- GroupsCreate
- Create a new group.
- GroupsIdCallbacksNotDelivered
- Retrieve a list of undelivered callbacks and errors for a given group, in reverse chronological order (most recent
message first). SNR will be deprecated (see [Newsletter]( for details). To
monitor radio link quality, please use the [Link Quality Indicator
(LQI)]( which is more relevant than SNR in Sigfox
- GroupsIdGeolocationPayloads
- Retrieve a list of geolocation payload according to request filters.
- GroupsIdGet
- Retrieve information about a given group.
- GroupsIdUpdate
- Update a given group.
- GroupsList
- Retrieve a list of groups according to visibility permissions and request filters.
- OperatorsIdGet
- Retrieve information about a given operator.
- OperatorsIdUpdate
- Update a given operator.
- ProfilesIdGet
- Retrieve information about a given profile.
- ProfilesList
- Retrieve a list of a Group's profiles according to visibility permissions and request filters.
- TilesMonarchKmzJobIdTileskmzGetCoverage
- Retrieve Sigfox Monarch coverage kmz from a job
- TilesMonarchKmzStart
- Starting the computation of Sigfox Monarch coverage view for a specific coverage mode. A new computation starts if
no other computation, run in the last 24 hours, is available. Otherwise, the existing jobId is returned.
- TilesPublicCoverageKmzTiles
- Retrieve Sigfox public coverage kmz file from a job. The public coverage is always available and does not require
a previous calculation
- UsersCreate
- Create a new user.
- UsersIdGet
- Retrieve information about a given user. The id can also be the user's email address.
- UsersIdProfilesAddRoles
- add user roles to a user.
- UsersIdProfilesProfileIdDelete
- Delete profiles or a given profile associated to the groupId
- UsersIdUpdate
- Update a given user.
- UsersList
- Retrieve a list of users according to visibility permissions and request filters.